Shorts Love Quotes
the Best Short Love Quotes
Looking for love in a bar is like looking for food in the gutter. You might find something that resembles what you’re looking for, but it’s probably bad for you.
Just because someone doesn’t love you the way that you want, doesn’t mean that they don’t love you the best way they know how.
“When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.” – Maurice Maeterlinck
“Love isn’t blind, it just uses a completely different navigation system that isn’t compatible with anything else.”
“Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life.” – Leo Buscaglia
“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” – James Baldwin
“Love is not blind – it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.” – Rabbi J. Gordon
“It is very difficult to live among people you love and hold back from offering them advice.” – Anne Tyler
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius
“Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.” – Bertrand Russell
“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get – only with what you are expecting to give – which is everything.” – Katharine Hepburn
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“Trust lies at the core of love; there can be no true love without trust.” – M.K.Soni
“Love is giving and it has nothing to do with what you receive.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
“It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.” – Lawrence Durrell
“The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.” – Gilbert Chesterton
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller
Looking for love in a bar is like looking for food in the gutter. You might find something that resembles what you’re looking for, but it’s probably bad for you.
Just because someone doesn’t love you the way that you want, doesn’t mean that they don’t love you the best way they know how.
“When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.” – Maurice Maeterlinck
“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” – James Baldwin
“Love is not blind – it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.” – Rabbi J. Gordon
“It is very difficult to live among people you love and hold back from offering them advice.” – Anne Tyler
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius
“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get – only with what you are expecting to give – which is everything.” – Katharine Hepburn
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“Trust lies at the core of love; there can be no true love without trust.” – M.K.Soni
“Love is giving and it has nothing to do with what you receive.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
“It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.” – Lawrence Durrell
“The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.” – Gilbert Chesterton
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller
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